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Rhinoplasty vs. Septoplasty

Are Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty the Same Thing?

Because they are both nose surgical procedures, it is easy for some patients to confuse a Rhinoplasty with a Septoplasty. The truth is that these procedures are not entirely the same. Here is what you need to know about these two popular surgical operations for the nose.


This cosmetic procedure is commonly referred to as a nose job and is intended to enhance the proportions of the nose as well as address nasal asymmetry in order to achieve a more natural-looking and balanced facial appearance.

But apart from its cosmetic purposes, there are other reasons as to why a patient may consider getting a rhinoplasty surgery such as to correct sinus issues and nose deformities, to treat difficulty in breathing, to address other nasal issues.

The Procedure

Rhinoplasty is performed by a surgeon under general anesthesia. Incisions will be made internally, when possible. There are some cases where it becomes necessary to make incisions on the outside. These two methods are referred to as closed and open rhinoplasty.

Once the incisions are done, the soft tissues are detached from the basic structure of your nose which will be reshaped to a balanced and proportionate size and shape.

It will take one to two hours to complete the procedure, depending on the desired outcome and the exact details your surgeon needs to fix. A few hours after the surgery, patients are generally allowed to return home.

Possible Risks

During the initial consultation, your surgeon will explain to you in detail the potential risks associated with Rhinoplasty. Some of these risks include:

  • Infection
  • Pain or numbness
  • Scarring
  • Swelling or skin discoloration
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Chances of repeating the surgery
  • Anesthesia risks

The Recovery Process

The healing process tends to be shorter with Rhinoplasty operations that deal with a single aspect only, such as removing a dorsal hump or reshaping the nose tip. In some cases, patients may return to work only a couple of days after the procedure.

Pain is possible especially during the first few hours following the surgery. You may also experience pressure or stuffiness that does not last long. In many cases, bruising around the eyes is visible but giving it a week or two to heal would work best.

The nose splint, as well as packing material that your surgeon placed, will be removed after three to seven days. After the first week, additional stitches will be removed. One of the best ways to expedite the recovery is to apply a cold compress during the entire healing process.


Septoplasty, on the other hand, is a type of surgical procedure for the nose that is primarily done for medical reasons. It is performed for patients who are suffering from a deviated septum. This condition occurs when the septum or the wall of cartilage and bone dividing the nose into two separate nostrils is displaced to one side of the nose.

Septoplasty can be used to correct this problem, straightening and repositioning the nasal septum in the center to allow better passage of air through the nose. In the procedure, it may be necessary for the surgeon to cut and remove parts of your nasal symptom before they are reinserted in the right position.

There are symptoms that a surgeon may look into when you are planning to undergo septoplasty. This may include difficulties in breathing and the physical features and structures of your nose.

The Procedure

It may take around 60-90 minutes for a septoplasty procedure to complete, depending on how complex the patient’s case is.

During the procedure, the surgeon will access the septum by making an incision on either the inside or on one side of the nose. The mucous membrane which is the septum’s protective covering will be lifted.

The deviated septum will then be moved into its proper position. Barriers like extra cartilage or bone will be removed and finally, the mucous membrane will be repositioned.

The membrane and septum will be held in place with stitches. In some cases, nose packing using cotton is necessary to secure them in place.

Possible Risks

Like most forms of surgery, septoplasty comes with its fair share of risks such as the following:

  • Scarring
  • Bleeding
  • Change in the shape of the nose
  • Nose discoloration
  • Forming of holes in the septum

The Recovery Process

Although septoplasty is an outpatient procedure, patients may expect to experience pain and difficulties when performing physical activities for weeks. Complications can be prevented by following these tips:

  • Blowing your nose should be avoided, especially a few days after the surgery.
  • Reduce swelling by elevating your head while sleeping.
  • Opt for button-down shirts to avoid pulling the clothing over the head and touching your nose.

Do You Need Rhinoplasty or Septoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is primarily a cosmetic procedure used to enhance or reshape the nose according to the desire or need of the patient. Septoplasty is a nose job as well but it is done for patients that need to correct their nasal issues due to a deviated septum. Your rhinoplasty surgeon will go over all the details with you on your consultation and advise you on the recommended procedure.

Septoplasty vs Rhinoplasty Cost

Septoplasty usually costs less than rhinoplasty, and – since it’s a medical procedure – it will often be covered by medical insurance too.

At Berkeley Square Medical, we offer an all-inclusive package that includes both procedures for £7950.00.

Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty Before and After

The results of these two nose surgeries often can’t be distinguished by looks.

By fixing a deviated septum, your visual appearance will usually improve too but whether a septoplasty was a successful surgery is determined by how well the nose functions after recovery.

Rhinoplasty results are mainly judged by the cosmetic appearance of the nose but it may improve nose function too.

Check out our gallery of before and after images here.


Can septoplasty and rhinoplasty be done together?

Both procedures can be performed during the same surgery, this is called a septorhinoplasty.

This is a practical way of fixing the medical issues associated with a deviated septum and correcting any cosmetic imperfections at the same time.

Is septoplasty recovery worse than rhinoplasty?

The recovery process is virtually the same after rhinoplasty and septoplasty.

The only exception can be a rhinoplasty procedure where the nasal bones and the main structure did not need to be changed, making recovery somewhat faster.





Sanjay Rai

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